‘Principles of Good Transitions 3’ was published in 2017.
The seven Principles bring together everything the law requires around transitions, plus what research tells us works best in achieving excellent outcomes for young people.
The Principles provide a framework for the continual improvement of support for young people with additional needs between the ages of 14 and 25. They make it easy for everyone to see what organisations should be doing so young people with additional support needs have a good experience of leaving school and moving on to adult life.
They have been endorsed by many organisations that provide support for young people, and by the Scottish Government and national bodies.
Click here to find out more about the seven principles.
Click here to download ‘Principles of Good Transitions 3’.
Principles into Practice is a national framework that offers practical guidance and evaluation measures to improve the planning and delivery of support for young people aged 14-26 who need additional support as they make the transition to young adult life.
It is based on the seven ‘Principles of Good Transitions’ and helps embed these into policy, planning and practice in local authority areas across Scotland.
Principles into Practice was developed through extensive consultation with statutory sector strategic leads, Scottish Government representatives, Social Work Scotland, Association of Directors of Education Scotland, Scottish Transitions Forum members, parents and carers, and young people.
Click here to download the complete framework or any of its individual sections.
ARC Scotland, Unit 12, Hardengreen Business Centre, Eskbank, Dalkeith, Midlothian EH22 3NX
Scottish Charity No: SCO 39129. Registered in England Company No: 01658354. Registered Charity No: 285575